I was debating between leaving them in the big tank where they could get eaten by the big fish or moving them into a smaller tank. I ended up hedging my bets. I figured I would have a hard time catching all the fry in the big tank anyway, but surely I could catch a few and put them in the smaller tank for protection, which I did. As of a few minutes ago, I have four fry in the small tank and at least four fry in the main tank as well. It's fun to see them evade the big fish by hiding and swimming away. I'm told that they won't be big enough to be truly "safe" for 3-4 weeks. Wow. I'm amazed at their survival instincts so far. But when there are six big fish actively trying to hunt you down 24 hours a day, you can't afford to make a wrong move! We'll see how it goes for both groups of fry!