Here's the latest with the guppy fry: At one point I counted six fry in the main tank. A few days later there were only four fry in the tank and I confirmed several times over a period of a few days that there were only four fry. Tonight I discovered a fifth fry in the tank that appears much smaller and darker than the other four. I don't know if it was just barely born or if it has been there a couple days already. There is a female that looks like she is going to give birth any day now. Perhaps this was just her first with more to come. Meanwhile, the four fry in the small tank are doing just fine and seem to be growing as fast as those in the main tank. The first batch of fry are almost three weeks old now. It looks to me like the 3-week-olds in the main tank are no longer in danger of being eaten by the adults.
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